WATCHMAN: A One-Time Implant that Helps Reduce AFib Stroke Risk

How Does AFib Increase Stroke Risk?


患有心房颤动(也称为AFib或AF)的普通人中风的可能性是心跳正常的人的五倍.1 这是因为心房纤颤会使心脏的泵血能力降低30%.2 Because blood isn’t pumped out of the heart normally, 血细胞更容易粘在一起,在心脏的左心房附件(LAA)形成血块。.2, 3 当血块从LAA中逸出并移动到身体的另一部分时, it can cut off the blood supply to the brain, causing a stroke.1, 4

心房颤动不是由心脏瓣膜问题引起的(最常见的心房颤动类型), 90%以上引起中风的来自心脏的血栓是在LAA形成的.3

For more information about AFib or the WATCHMAN procedure, call the Saint Francis Heart Valve Center at 573-331-3369.

Reducing AFib Stroke Risk

Blood thinners, also called anticoagulants, 是否有一种有效的方法可以降低心房颤动患者中风的风险,而不是由心脏瓣膜问题引起的. Common blood thinners include Warfarin (also known as Coumadin®), Eliquis®, Pradaxa®, Xarelto® and Savaysa®.

But some people need an alternative to blood thinners, because they can increase the risk of bleeding. Some bleeding events are minor and easily treated, like a cut taking longer than normal to stop bleeding. In other cases, the bleeding can be life-threatening, such as when bleeding in the brain causes a stroke.

If you have a history of bleeding or a lifestyle, occupation or condition that puts you at risk for bleeding, your doctor may consider an alternative to blood thinners, such as the WATCHMAN Implant.

An Alternative to Blood Thinners

WATCHMAN是一种永久性植入物,为终身使用血液稀释剂提供了另一种选择. 它的大小约为四分之一,由非常轻而紧凑的材料制成,通常用于许多其他医疗植入物.


WATCHMAN有效地降低中风的风险,永久关闭LAA,以防止血块逃离. WATCHMAN可以消除华法林带来的出血风险、定期血液检查和饮食限制. In a clinical trial, 10个人中有9个人能够在WATCHMAN手术后45天停止服用华法林.5

In a clinical trial, 10个人中有9个人能够在WATCHMAN程序后45天停止服用华法林.6
In a clinical trial, 10个人中有9个人能够在WATCHMAN手术后45天停止服用华法林.5

How is WATCHMAN Implanted?

Steven J. Joggerst, MD
Steven J. Joggerst, MD

WATCHMAN is implanted into your heart in a one-time procedure by Steven J. Joggerst, MD. To implant WATCHMAN, your doctor makes a small cut in your upper leg and inserts a narrow tube, as done in a standard stent procedure. Your doctor then guides WATCHMAN into your heart’s LAA. The procedure is done under general anesthesia and takes about an hour. Patients commonly stay in the hospital overnight and leave the next day.


After the Procedure

Following the WATCHMAN procedure, you’ll take Warfarin for 45 days or until your LAA is permanently closed off. 在此期间,心脏组织将在植入物上生长,形成防止血栓的屏障. 你的医生会通过给你的心脏拍照来监测这个过程,看看你什么时候可以停止服用华法林.

然后你的医生会给你开一种叫做氯吡格雷(也被称为Plavix®)和阿司匹林的药,让你服用六个月. After that, you’ll continue to take aspirin on an ongoing basis. 极少数患者可能需要长期服用血液稀释剂.

In a clinical trial:

  • 92%的患者能够在手术后45天停止服用华法林5
  • 99%的患者能够在手术后1年内停止服用华法林5

Is WATCHMAN Right for You?

If you have a history of bleeding or a lifestyle, occupation or condition that puts you at risk for bleeding, WATCHMAN may be right for you. 但就像任何医疗程序一样,WATCHMAN也有风险,所以它并不适合所有人. 你的心脏病专家会权衡你中风的风险和你严重出血的风险,以确定正确的治疗方法.

Take the WATCHMAN Assessment to see if WATCHMAN is right for you.

Hear from WATCHMAN Patients


当心房颤动和血液稀释剂的出血风险开始减缓英格丽德, an active 55-year-old, she talked to her doctor about an alternative treatment. See how WATCHMAN helped give her a new lease on life.



Bill’s vision problems put him at a higher risk of falling, which increased his risk of having a bleeding event on blood thinners. 看看守望者是如何给比尔提供血液稀释剂的替代品,并帮助他享受更多的时间在花园里和遛他的救援灰狗.




WATCHMAN适用于非心脏瓣膜问题引起的心房颤动患者,需要华法林的替代药物. 本网站旨在为患者和护理人员提供有关WATCHMAN植入物的一些信息. 它可以帮助你准备好与医生讨论降低中风风险的选择.

For more information about AFib or the WATCHMAN procedure, call the Saint Francis Heart Valve Center at 573-331-3369.

Important Safety Information


所有医疗程序都存在与植入程序和设备使用相关的风险. The risks include but are not limited to accidental heart puncture, air embolism, allergic reaction, anemia, anesthesia risks, arrhythmias, AV (Arteriovenous) fistula, bleeding or throat pain from the TEE (Trans Esophageal Echo) probe, blood clot or air bubbles in the lungs or other organs, bruising at the catheter insertion site, clot formation on the WATCHMAN™ Closure Device, cranial bleed, excessive bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, groin puncture bleed, hypotension, infection/pneumonia, pneumothorax, pulmonary edema, pulmonary vein obstruction, renal failure, stroke, thrombosis and transient ischemic attack. In rare cases death can occur.



  1. National Stroke Association. “Making the Afib-Stroke Connection.” Published 2012. Accessed September 1, 2016.
  2. Harvard Health Publications. “Atrial fibrillation: Common, Serious, Treatable.” Harvard University Medical School. Published November 2011. Accessed August 25, 2016.
  3. Blackshear JL, Odell JA. 附件闭塞术减少心房颤动心脏手术患者的卒中.” Ann Thorac Surg. 1996;61:755-759.
  4. Cleveland Clinic. “Atrial fibrillation (Afib).” Published May 2015. Accessed August 25, 2016.
  5. Holmes DR Jr, Kar S, Price MJ, et al. Watchman左心房附件关闭装置对房颤患者与长期华法林治疗的前瞻性随机评价:胜诉试验.” J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014;64(1):1-12.